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SteamLink Plugin

Plugin Overview

Thank you for checking out the SteamLink plugin by Maxii1996 from Undermax Games. This plugin is inspired by the Cyclone project by Hudell and aims to provide seamless integration with Steam functionalities in your RPG Maker projects.


Feature Description
Steam Name Returns the player's Steam name.
Steam UI Language Returns the name of the player's Steam UI language.
Game Language Returns the name of the language configured for the game to run on.
Achievement Count Returns the number of achievements configured on the game's App Admin.
Steam Running Returns true or false, indicating if Steam is running.
Steam Overlay Enabled Returns true or false, indicating if Steam overlay is enabled for the game.
DLC Count Returns the number of DLCs configured on the game's App Admin.
Friend Count Returns the number of friends the player has on Steam.
Steam Cloud Enabled Returns true or false, indicating if the game has Steam Cloud enabled on the App Admin.
User Steam Cloud Enabled Returns true or false, indicating if the player has Steam Cloud enabled for the game.
Activate Achievement Activates the specified achievement for the player.
Get Achievement Returns true or false, indicating if the player has already activated the specified achievement.
Clear Achievement Deactivates the specified achievement for the player.
Activate Game Overlay Activates the Steam overlay for the game.
Activate Overlay Web Page Opens the specified web page on the Steam overlay.
Is DLC Installed Returns true or false, indicating if the specified DLC is installed.
Install DLC Installs the specified DLC.
Uninstall DLC Uninstalls the specified DLC.
Get Stat Int Returns the value of the specified integer stat.
Get Stat Float Returns the value of the specified float stat.
Set Stat Sets the value of the specified stat.
Store Stats Stores the current stats for the player.
Is Subscribed App Returns true or false, indicating if the player is subscribed to the specified app ID.


Plugin created by Maxii1996 | Undermax Games

Inspired by the Cyclone project by Hudell


Documentation and Demo

For detailed documentation and to see the plugin in action, please download and explore the demo provided:

The demo includes comprehensive documentation on how to install, configure, and use the SteamLink plugin in your RPG Maker projects.


Special thanks to Hudell for their original Cyclone project, which served as inspiration for this plugin.

Support the Developer

If you find the SteamLink plugin helpful and would like to support further development, consider making a donation here in Itchio!:

Thank you for your support!

Update (August 2023)

If you are having problems with some features such as achievements and so on, I highly recommend you check out this project:      https://rabbitteaparty.itch.io/nekogakuen-steamworksapi     
It has a more updated plugin with new Steam features!

Do you want to Sync your game with Itch.io?

Try our Itch.io Link plugin!!
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Tagsmz, plugin, RPG Maker, RPG Maker MZ, rpg-maker-mz-steam, script, steam, steamworks


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SteamLink Demo 9.8 MB


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Deleted 42 days ago

Hello, how are you?

Remember that this plugin is an adaptation of an old plugin from another author, so there are certain features that cause inconveniences, I personally recommend you use the following plugin:


It has many additional features, and I think it works a little better for certain things than SteamLink.

Try that and let me know how it goes :)

any chance that the cloud save feature will work with my addon that changes the save directory for my game

i've changed the directories from the install location to

windows: userhome/AppData/Roaming/telnianLOTU

linux: userhome/.config/telnianLOTU

mac: userhome/Library/Application Support/telnianLOTU

Hi. I suggest you to use this version:


It has more features and better support. Cheers!


Any chance of a plugin that integrates with Epic Store achievements?

Hello, thank you for your question. In fact, I had no idea that Epic Games had the possibility for achievements or that you could upload your project there.

(Personally, I am not a big fan of EPIC, which is why I am completely unfamiliar with its functionality.)

Technically, it should be possible; however, it would require an API (similar to Greenworks for Steam), and creating that is quite complex. Therefore, for the moment, I must respond that I cannot help you with this request.

However, I will continue to investigate the possibilities of EPIC for the future.

Best regards!

Deleted 362 days ago

Hello mate, how are you? Remember that this plugin is an adaptation of the Hudell plugin that offered Basic Integration compatibility with Steam. Many of the things are not available to modify since they are encrypted (Even for me) and I do not have access to them.

You can maybe try this project that is more recent and has new capabilities:


All the best!

A wonderful piece of software! One question though, where can I get all the different versions of greenworks.js? The github page has a MASSIVE version gap.

(1 edit)


Assuming you are using Windows (x64) I can give you a copy from my folder of the "nw" compatible and "updated" version (49.2)

Keep in mind the "nwjs-win" folder you must replace its contents with the ones you have where you have rpg maker mz installed. Usually it is usually:

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamLibrary\common\Rpg Maker MZ\

(But it can change if you have Steam installed elsewhere)



Also i suggest you see this post:


To download greenworks manual version:


And for nw: (Remember to use sdk to enable console)


Thanks a bunch! But where did you get this greenworks.js? Did you somehow compile it by yourself?

The GitHub page's gap is all the way from 0.33 to 0.82.


I'm glad I could help!

Oh, I didn't know they had finally updated Greenworks. It seemed like the post had been dead for a long time.

That's why, at least in my case, I had to try version by version to see which one was compatible with RPG MAKER MZ. In my case, I always used version 49.2, which worked for everything. But perhaps the more recent one brings new features and compatibilities.

Sometimes in these cases, it's a matter of trying and seeing the results. I send you a greeting.

(1 edit)

Awesomness level 1000! Can I buy full verion of this? I see only demo.

Hello. This plugin is based on Hudell's Cyclone project. I can't make this plugin paid since that would be taking someone else's work, what I did was simply adapt it to be compatible with RPG MAKER MZ and added some plugin commands.

However, I recommend that you use this plugin:


It's a plugin that I personally use, and it extends the capabilities even further than SteamLink.

Best regards!

I went through all the steps and set up the game on Steam and now when i try to launch it just repeatedly opens and closes the game, any help would be great.

(1 edit) (-1)

Hello. I recommend that you verify that you have NW.JS in the specific version required to use this plugin. Since other versions can cause unexpected Problems like the one you mention.Additionally, I suggest that you use this system, which is newer and has new functions:


Please check:

- Have RPG MAKER MZ Updated to the latest version (I use 1.7.0)

- Have NW (The engine in which the rpg maker mz games run) in a version compatible with Steam Greenworks. As far as I understand, only 2 versions are supported. I recommend you use the version:

nw.js v0.49.2 which is the newest supported version. If you don't know how to update the version of your nw, you can follow this simple guide:


(Note that you may also need to download versions of "Greenworks.js" and "greenworks-win64.node" compatible with version 0.49.2 and replace them with the ones from the Steam Link demo)

- Make sure all files are properly unzipped.

All the best!


so do I need to follow both manuals the nwjs and the suction js?

(1 edit)

You must use version 0.49.2 of nwjs, updating manually so that the RPG maker uses that version instead of the one that comes from the factory. Different versions are very likely not to work as they should. The process is actually quite simple, it's more text than anything else honestly. 

Check out here:


sorry just realized I had a typo on the last post, so do I need to follow the electronjs manual as well or do I only need to follow the nwjs manual 

idk how electron works, so I don't know really what are the procedure. But try first updating one thing at time. If I were you I would start by updating nwjs. Always remember to back up everything.

whenever i try to deploy the game and run it. in the dev console. it says that greenworks failed to initialize. despite working okay in the editor

Hi buddy. A pleasure to greet you today. I recommend that you verify that you are exporting the libraries correctly, and that you have the version of NW updated to a version compatible with SteamLink (v49.2) It should work correctly. I use this plugin for my game, and in my case it works perfectly both in the editor and exporting the game. 

(1 edit) (+1)

i fixed it. it was because of the version of nw was incompatable. now i have a new problem related to DLC. if the user doesnt have DLC installed it will crash saying reference error. falsevariable is not defined

How are you. Don't worry, I'm glad you were able to fix it!

I want to tell you that I am currently researching and using in my game an additional plugin that came out very recently:

I leave you his Itchio in case you want to take a look:


Mainly it fixes the Achievements system that for some reason SteamLink was not working, and adds other additional features.

I recommend that you review it and try to see what you think.

(2 edits)

I'm having the same issue with the (Is DLC Installed) Plugin Command. When the DLC isn't Installed I get a "falsevariable is not defined" error and crashes the game. When the DLC is Installed the Variable doesn't hold the value of true.

I recommend you use the following plugin which has better support and updated features:


Hello when i try to start up the Demo project, it gives me this error

Cannot read property 'clamp' of undefined

Hello. Thanks for your comment.

Unfortunately I can't simulate your problem since it doesn't happen to me.

May I suggest you check the following:

- Have RPG MAKER MZ Updated to the latest version (I use 1.7.0)

- Have NW (The engine in which the rpg maker mz games run) in a version compatible with Steam Greenworks. As far as I understand, only 2 versions are supported. I recommend you use the version:

nw.js v0.49.2 which is the newest supported version. If you don't know how to update the version of your nw, you can follow this simple guide:


(Note that you may also need to download versions of "Greenworks.js" and "greenworks-win64.node" compatible with version 0.49.2 and replace them with the ones from the Steam Link demo)

- Make sure all files are properly unzipped.

All the best!

Hey thanks for the tutorial.

You should post this somewhere so people know also who are having problems.

I'm glad I was able to help. Thank you for your suggestion!

Also can you link the greenworks.js and the other stuff that you use?