Added Alternative: v1.2.2

Changelog - Version 1.2.2

Alternative Version

  • A problem with the shop and the plugin has been confirmed (and probably resolved):
    • There were several issues, but the most serious one was that if the player started with an equipment and wanted to buy the same equipment in the Scene Shop, the properties of both would link, causing an inconsistency in the repair state of the equipment.
    • Some fixes have been applied that should address these issues.
  • An issue with the event command: "Change Equipment" that was not working properly has been resolved.
  • The following properties have been added experimentally:
    • <break-effect:mod-attributes:[stat, VALUE]>
    • <break-effect:mod-ex-parameters:[EX_STAT, VALUE]>
    For more information, refer to the documentation: "2.B" and "2.C".
  • Various parts of the code have been adjusted.

Note: I decided to publish this version as Alternative and not as Release, because although I have performed several tests, there were many modifications in the code, so (I hope not) there might be something I missed testing.

If you are currently using the plugin and are experiencing any of the problems mentioned above, this version might be helpful. On the other hand, if you are not encountering any issues, it is better to continue using the Release version.


DurabilityMZ + Durability 226 kB
34 days ago

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(1 edit)

Hello Undermax, 

thank you for adding the experimental options ! I tested it and it helped me a lot for my project, stats penalties ares really useful
I noticed a compatibility problem for the display of weapons or the durability counter which doesn't appear in menus with Vizustella's Items and Equips Core, I think it's because the items aren't stacked the same way but I know that since their code is obfuscated there's not much you can do about it.
And I can do without this plugin because your durability system is more important for my project.

The only real problem I had with this version is that it seems that items that are completely broken with zero durability are not all saved and are repaired after reloading the save, i tried on a game version with only the plugin and the patch and I had the same problem, broken weapon are not saved, do you know where the problem could be ? 

Thank you again for your work ! 

(1 edit)

Hey friend, thanks to you for your patience, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused 🙏🏻

I'm trying to figure out in more detail what's causing all these issues. From what I've found so far, it seems to be related to the initialization of the equipment, but I still don't fully understand why these problems are happening.

I think I've found a possible solution that might help you resolve these issues.

I'm sharing the documentation, which I have already attached to the plugin, so you can read it:

Try testing with that version to see if it works at least a little better with the adjustments I'm asking you to apply.

I'll stay tuned for any other issues. Regarding the compatibility topic, I haven't even started addressing that yet, as this is a much higher priority to fix.

Preview Image:

Best regards!